Roundup: Stone Creek North FAQs, HURA 2/13 video, and HCC next week
FAQ now available, HURA video up, and agendas available for next week
Stone Creek North Development FAQs
The City’s FAQ for the Stone Creek North Development has been posted to the City of Hayden website. (Previous coverage: see the press release from concerned citizens and our summary of the 2/8 special meeting.)
HURA 2/13
You may now watch the video for the HURA board meeting from Feb. 13, 2023. As an FYI, HURA does not record this video. Our channel has videos from the past six meetings recorded by volunteers. (The Hayden Citizen hopes the HURA board will consider recording these videos themselves for the sake of transparency with the community.)
This HURA meeting primarily focused on discussion about Hayden Urban Renewal District expansion.
HURA Minutes and Agendas
The HURA website has had a few small updates recently. You can now access the past few agendas and minutes on their website without making a records request.
Hayden City Council Next Week
Agendas are available for both City Council Meetings on Tuesday, 2/28 - a Special meeting, workshop, and execution session at 3pm, and the regular meeting at 5pm.
It will be a potentially long day for City Council and attendees. The regular meeting includes two public hearings.
1. Vacation of Flame & Cork Plat.
2. Zone Text Amendment (the standards of approval update to add "Amendments to the zone map and zone text shall be consistent with the neighborhood contexts."
Both agendas are available on the City of Hayden’s Boardbook page.