9/6/ 23 With announcements of water concerns in the Coeur D' Alene Press Why? is the wetlands on Stone Creek North not being protected? It assists the aquifer by providing water. Also, the huge trees that the contractor has now cut down provided aid to the wetlands. Not to mention how this affects our wild life.

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Agreed. The City should do more to protect wetlands.

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With articles posted in the Coeur D' Alene Press concerning water shortages. Idaho citizen's should be concerned that Developer's are wanting to build houses on wetlands, such as our wetland on Stone Creek N. The Wetlands provide water to our Aquifer, which with our population increases the demand for water has increased. We need to think about our needs today, and in the future by protecting our water sources as a natural treasure that needs protection from being destroyed.

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10/30/23 The native natural Caprock home of WILDLIFE is being destroyed for urbanization. Caprock trees have been removed. The rock, stone & dirt are being dug out and moved to fill in and around the wetlands on this same site. Natural Critical wetlands that supply WATER to our aquifer,

being destroyed to build houses. Hayden's concerned citizen's have stated they want to protect Idaho's natural space. Yet Hayden City Hall, ignores it's citizen's, and looks the other way. This Idaho destruction takes place as developer's take advantage of Idaho, for pure GREED and MONEY.

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