Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

The Comp Plan was voted on in the Spring of 2021. It expires in 2026. But NOW, just 2 WEEKS before the election, Alan Davis has BOLD ideas about changing it! The timing is impeccable! What a FRAUD. His biggest 2 donors are multimillionaire developers. I wonder why they prefer him over Luke Sommer. A few questions: a) Do Hayden residents want a central business district like half of CDA? b) Do they want "neighborhood nodes" (aka 15 minute cities)? c) Did you notice how Alan Davis didn't discuss bringing back the Special Use Permit (SUP) requiring developers to get city council permission for their projects? Hayden mayoral candidate Luke Sommer has pledged to fight to bring back the SUP. Like the protester's sign says: ALAN: Too Little, Too Late.

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I watched this entire meeting online. Alan’s presentation was completely bogus, a nothing-burger. The expected discussion of the Future Land Use Map – which needs to be revised for lower densities – didn’t happen. Alan didn’t discuss bringing back the Special Use Permit to require developers to get city council approval for developments. I don’t want a central business district, that’s what half of CDA is now. Alan Davis has been on the Planning and Zoning Commission since 2016, so he’s part of the problem. If you want to keep small-town Hayden, join me in voting for Luke Sommer as Mayor of Hayden on Nov 7th.

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OMG what a lame presentation. People who know what’s been going on in Hayden under Alan Davis at Planning and Zoning for seven years know he’s not been representing the will of Hayden’s CURRENT residents. He is for high density zoning as proven by the insane Future Land Use Map. And he just was caught holding a sign that says: “Large Lot Single Family Homes Will Make Traffic Worse - Not Better”. He’s out of touch with the people and has to go on Nov 7th. If you want to preserve Hayden as a small town then cast your vote for Luke Sommer as mayor of Hayden.

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Alan Davis has been on the Planning and Zoning Commission for 7 years. He is 100% part of the problem when it comes to fast growth over the last few years. Looking forward – he was on the same team that created the Future Land Use Map with all the high density zoning envisioned for Hayden’s future. NO THANKS! If you have had it with the pro-growth current regime and want to preserve small-town Hayden, vote Tom Shafer (city council) and Luke Sommer (mayor) on November 7th.

Michael Ashley

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Alan Davis waits until just before election about change. The citizen's voice fell on deaf ears, up until 2 weeks before we vote. It's as the protest sign says "It's to little, to late" Hayden needs change.

Luke Sommer's has pledged to fight on November 7th He has my vote.

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I'm Luke Sommer and I am running for mayor of Hayden. The true issues were not covered at this meeting. Why was the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) not even discussed? Why has no discussion of reinstating the special use permit (SUP) occurred at city council or planning and zoning meetings? My opponent and his supporters talk a lot about how few developments have been approved in the last 2 years. He has not promised to fix the disastrous FLUM and he avoids discussing bringing back the SUP. His supporters avoid the issues and focus on baseless personal attacks. If things have been going so great over my opponent's 7 year tenure, why did the city's own survey show that 68% of Hayden residents think the city is growing too fast?

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